
Agriculture in the modern world is closely connected with sheep breeding, which is more often aimed at dairy productivity. Inflammation of the udder lobes, the so-called mastitis, is the most common problem. The culling of sheep due to mastitis, unfortunately, occurs for justified reasons, since it is almost impossible to completely get rid of this disease, due to possible complica-tions of the disease (atrophy, induration, fibrosis of the udder lobes), as well as the treatment of animals in most cases leads to a deterioration in productivity. Mainly young animals with a high genetic potential of milk productivity suffer from this pathology. In most cases, according to our research, subclinical mastitis passes into the clinical phase, with pronounced symptoms of udder lobe dam-age, which can later lead to atrophy and other irreversible complications. Mastitis in productive animals, if we consider the economic damage in farms, leads to a decrease in the productivity of the dairy herd, which is associated with the loss of milk in production, and to a decrease in milk yield due to the presence of impurities and inhibitory substances throughout the treatment and for some time after it. In sheep that have undergone subclinical mastitis, there is a deterioration in the quality characteristics of the products. Milk yield for lactation, as a percentage, milk production becomes 15-20% less. Prevention of subclinical mastitis, timely diagnosis and highquality treatment is an urgent task. The main purpose of this article is to consider the need to improve the effectiveness in the treatment of mastitis, thanks to the use of complex etiotropic therapy, which will ensure the absence of inhibitory substances and allow further sales of products without restrictions, which will increase the economic well-being of the economy, including at cost.

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