
Relevance: Treatment of acute viral rhinosinusitis is one of the current problems of modern medicine. Coldrelated diseases are now receiving a lot of attention due to the worldwide pandemic SARS-CoV-2, the choice of therapy becomes a difficult task even for experienced physicians. The study provides an assessment of the efficacy of treatment of patients with acute viral rhinosinusitis with combined phytotherapeutic agents. Materials and methods: During the study, 54 patients were followed up and divided into 2 groups: the study group (28 patients) and the control group (26 patients). During treatment, patients in the control group received basic treatment, which included: Nasal cavity irrigation with an isotonic saline solution (0.9% NaCl solution) [4] by 2 doses into each nasal half 3 times a day, topical glucocorticosteroids (Mometasone furoate) by 2 doses into each nasal half 2 times a day. Patients in the study group received: "Sinuvit" complex phytopreparation by 2 capsules after meals 2 times a day, nasal cavity irrigation with isotonic saline solution (0,9% NaCl solution) by 2 doses into each nasal half 3 times a day, topical glucocorticosteroids (Mometasone furoate) by 2 doses into each nasal half 2 times a day. The results of treatment were evaluated by means of subjective and objective indicators. Results: Efficient symptom relief was found in the study group, reflected in improved patient well-being and renewed physiological function of the mucociliary apparatus. Conclusion: Based on the obtained results of the study and our previous experience in treatment of rhinosinusitis, we have made a conclusion about the effectiveness of the presented scheme of treatment with combined phytotherapeutic agents.

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