
Weanling S5B/P1 female rats were divided into four groups as follows: high fat diet, exercised (FE); high fat diet, unexercised (FU); high carbohydrate diet, exercised (CE); and high carbohydrate diet, unexercised (CU). After 25 days of progressive training, exercised rats ran on a motor-driven treadmill for 30 days at 25 m/min per 1 h at 0 degree grade for 6 days a week. Rats were weighed weekly throughout the experiment and food intakes were recorded for the last 3 weeks of the experiment. After euthanasia at 15 weeks of age, three muscles, liver, heart, kidney, 3 fat depots, and tibia-fibula were dissected out and weighted. The carcass, including weighted organs and fat depots, was analyzed for body fat. Exercised rats, regardless of diet, weighed slightly but significantly more than unexercised rats. They also tended to eat more food and to have a higher quantity of fat-free body mass than unexercised rats. Percent body fat was similar for exercised and unexercised rats. The tibia weighed significantly more (p less than 0.05) in CU than in FU rats but the weight was similar in CE and FE rats. The density of the tibia was significantly higher (p less than 0.01) in exercised than in unexercised rats.

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