
Research into new antipsychotics is in a fruitful development. The molecular identification of various subtypes of receptors, and also transporters, for dopamine and serotonin has led to promising possibilities for developing new, better, and more side effect-Free antipsychotics. New and selective dopamine antagonists will emerge, with varying therapeutic effects, but with fewer side effects than current neuroleptics. DI antagonists are interesting in this respect, but it may be that combinations of D1, D2, D3 and D4 receptor blockers represent the strongest possibilities (i.e. clozapine). Serotonin agents, given separately or incorporated into a neuroleptic, are another area of considerable potential. The new antipsychotic risperidone, acting through a combination of strong 5HT2/D2 receptor antagonism. may contribute to our understanding of the importance of SHT2 antagonism in antipsychotic drugs. The observation of a beneficial effect of selective serotonin reuptdke inhibitors in subgroups of schizophre...

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