
Models of the protostellar source, B335, are developed using axisymmetric three-dimensional models to resolve conflicts found in one-dimensional models. The models are constrained by a large number of observations, including ALMA, Herschel, and Spitzer data. Observations of the protostellar source B335 with ALMA show redshifted absorption against a central continuum source indicative of infall in the HCO+ and HCN J = 4 → 3 transitions. The data are combined with a new estimate of the distance to provide strong constraints to three-dimensional radiative transfer models including a rotating, infalling envelope, outflow cavities, and a very small disk. The models favor ages since the initiation of collapse between 3 × 104 and 4 × 104 yr for both the continuum and the lines, resolving a conflict found in one-dimensional models. The models underpredict the continuum emission seen by ALMA, suggesting an additional component such as a pseudo-disk. The best-fitting model is used to convert variations in the 4.5 μm flux in recent years into a model for a variation of a factor of 5–7 in luminosity over the last 8 yr.

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