
The recent moral degradation in the public has been troubling for various circles. The younger generation's bad morals have become a serious concern for parents, educators, and community members. Several things have allegedly been the cause of the unsuccessful building of children's character, starting from kindergarten to university. The building of children's character will be successful if it is started from the right model, which becomes the basic framework in fostering children's character. The right character building model becomes urgent for the success of effective and efficient children's character building. The research aimed to identify and analyze the character-building model of Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Kindergarten (TK ABA) in Kembaran subdistrict, Banyumas Regency. This study was a qualitative descriptive with the headmaster and teachers as the subjects. The data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation, while data analysis was done by data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions drawing. The results indicated that the character-building model for TK ABA children in Kembaran Banyumas District was conducted by; first, the teacher explained the foundation of worship the intention. Second, the building integration to the theme of learning by the following steps; a) planning by making RPPH, b) implementation of building in the classroom, c) the teacher showed stories and converses about certain characters, d) children obtained the opportunity to express their experiences about specific behaviors, e) teachers appreciated children's achievements, f) teachers provided character strengthening. The third is character-building outside the classroom: a) monitoring children's activities, b) directing children's behavior. Fourth, teachers evaluated building activities. The five teachers then worked together with parents. The character building methods were telling stories, questions and answers, role-playing/socio drama, modeling, and habituation.

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