
EnglishThe article offers a three-dimensional model of the institutional matrix that can be used as a methodological tool for designing institutional changes in transitional societies to develop their socio-economic systems. The empirical basis of the analysis is the results of the GLOBE research program that has defined value and practice scores of the main cultural dimensions in 62 countries which affect the formation and development of institutions. In contrast to the concept of alternative dominant “Eastern” (redistributive) and “Western” (market) matrices, as it is currently known, it is offered to interpret basic economic, ideological and political institutions of society in the form of alternative vectors. They create a spatial mega-matrix which consists of two dominant and six complementary matrices. Complementary matrices which are presented in the article are interesting for determining variants of the development of existing socio-economic systems, which could not be described using the elements of traditional matrices. It is demonstrated that real institutional matrices of modern mixed socio-economic systems are formed in the mega-matrix space with the participation of all its components. The possibilities and conditions for using the offered model in implementing institutional changes and in the development of socio-economic systems are revealed. galegoEste artigo ofrece un modelo tridimensional da matriz institucional que se pode utilizar como ferramenta metodoloxica para desenar cambios institucionais en sociedades en transicion que estan a desenvolver os seus sistemas socioeconomicos. A base empirica da analise son os resultados do programa de investigacion GLOBE, que define as puntuacions de valor e practica das principais dimensions culturais de 62 paises que afectan a formacion e ao desenvolvemento das institucions. En contraste co concepto das matrices dominantes alternativas “orientais” (redistributivas) e “occidentais” (de mercado), como se conecen actualmente, ofrecese, para interpretar as institucions economicas, ideoloxicas e politicas basicas da sociedade, a forma de vectores alternativos. Estes crean unha megamatriz espacial que consiste en dous matrices dominantes e seis complementarias. As matrices complementarias que se presentan neste artigo son interesantes para determinar as variantes no desenvolvemento dos sistemas socioeconomicos existentes, que non se poderian describir utilizando os elementos das matrices tradicionais. Demostrase que as matrices institucionais reais dos sistemas socioeconomicos mixtos modernos se forman no espazo da megamatriz coa participacion de todos os seus componentes. Revelanse as posibilidades e as condicions para utilizar o modelo ofrecido na implementacion de cambios institucionais e no desenvolvemento de sistemas socioeconomicos.

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