
Objective: Create a performance evaluation model for technology-based incubated companies, using the multicriteria decision aid methodology (MCDA) and also respecting the guidelines of the CERNE model (Reference Center for Support to New Enterprises).Methodology: This work is classified as exploratory-descriptive, qualitative-quantitative in nature and, with regard to procedures, it adopts the case study, having as object of analysis a technology-based incubator. The MCDA was used for the construction of the model and the ELECTRE-TRI method for the modeling of the preferences.Originality: The originality of this study permeates the creation and application of a decision-making method that facilitates performance evaluation for incubated companies.Main results: The model created to assess the performance of incubated companies has 23 indicators and it was applied with three incubated companies and one graduated company. The developed model showed relevance and applicability to the reality of the studied incubator, supporting the decision-making process.Theoretical contributions: The joint application of the themes of MCDA and organizational performance evaluation.Social / management contributions: improving performance measurement models for incubated companies and strengthening the support offered by business incubators.

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