
The use of dispersion modelling is a powerful tool to establish levels of treatment required to remove odour complaints. Odour is an extremely sensitive issue and is key to the public perception of wastewater environmental protection. This paper describes a case study of the successful resolution of long-standing odour problems at the East Worthing Wastewater Treatment Works (WTW), on the South Coast of England, utilising modelling and appropriate treatment technologies. A number of odour surveys have been conducted on the site to identify the major sources on the works, which were found to be the sludge press house and the primary settlement tanks, situated only 10 metres from the nearest properties. As a result attempts to resolve the odour problem have been made including the covering of identified sources, treating extract using activated carbon filters and installing perfume sprays. During the site development all sources were contained and ventilated to a 60,000 m3/hr Jones & Attwood ODORGARD unit. Its requirement was to ensure that no receptor was exposed to a concentration in excess of 4 ouEm3 (Odour units), in accordance with the odour planning condition. Dispersal modelling was performed to determine the maximum permissible outlet concentration. The results of the modelling exercise established that emissions from the odour control plant should not exceed 675 ouEm3 to ensure that the receptor standard was attained. An optimisation programme was conducted to ensure that the unit was providing the optimum level of treatment prior to taking the olfactometry samples. Following the plant's optimisation the results of the olfactometry analysis confirmed that the discharge levels were below the required 670 ouEm3. Since completion of the sludge treatment centre scheme there have been no registered odour complaints directed at the East Worthing WTW, and the local air quality has been greatly improved for the residents surrounding the works.

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