
Indonesia is a country that has a majority Muslim population. Consequently, Islamic law becomes an inseparable element in the daily life of the society, including the lifestyles of Muslim consumers in shopping. In general, a Muslim consumer must pay attention to the selected products in order to avoid neither things that are forbidden by Allah nor excessive behavior. Meanwhile, the trend of online shopping in Indonesia tends to increase every year. It definitely affects the former shopping behavior from direct visit to the store into indirect transaction through online shops via the internet. Muslim consumers are starting to buy products from online shops or e-commerce. In fact, Muslim consumers find problem in finding information about halal product, especially for processed meat and imported products. In addition, they also rarely have access to bargain price given in e-commerce sellers. In some e-commerce providers, several products also contain pork and alcohol, which are obviously prohibited by Islamic law. The existence of credit card payment methods also contains usury (riba). In general, user interface in e-commerce faces several constraints repeatedly experienced by user. Therefore, this study initiates the User Interface Design (UID) pattern to handle the problems in order to define concrete design solutions and to solve specific design problems on the e-commerce website design. The process of UID pattern divulged the needs and behaviors of users when performing Sharia-based shopping in e-commerce website. Furthermore, the design method of User Centered Design (UCD) was employed to know the user perspective toward a product, in terms of the needs, habits, and user experience in using a product. The result of this research is a prototype for Islamic e-commerce that has positive responses from users. The user testing was done using the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). The result described several factors such as Attractiveness, Perspicuity, Efficiency, Dependability, and Stimulation that have values exceeded from UEQ Scale neutral value. This research also generated UID pattern Islamic e-commerce website that supports the sharia-based shopping behavior of Muslim consumers in Indonesia.

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