
This paper describes a method used to compute the transient performances of assisted circulation heat recovery steam generators. These heat recovery steam generators are composed of several heat exchangers, each of which is a bundle of tubes. The method presented here treats each heat exchanger in a similar way, replacing the bundle of tubes with an ‘equivalent’ linear heat exchanger. This equivalent linear heat exchanger is then discretized in as many slices as required by the accuracy. The mass and enthalpy equations on each of these control volumes are solved by a fully explicit numerical method, adapted for the special conditions encountered in this kind of problem, allowing a considerable reduction of the computation time compared to other methods. Some emphasis is put on the modifications required to solve the equations for the evaporators because they are two-phase heat exchangers. A model for the steam drums is also presented together with simple models for the main control loops used in such systems. An example is presented in which an existing dual pressure level heat recovery steam generator is started from a cold state. The numerical predictions are in good agreement with measurements.

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