
In continuous phosphate-limited conditions, under pH control from high pH (pH ≳ 5.2) to low pH (pH ≲ 5.2), the metabolism of the Gram-positive bacterium Clostridium acetobutylicum,switches from acid to solvent production. Three main enzymes are responsible for the shift, acetoacetate decarboxylase (Adc), alcohol dehydrogenase (AdhE1/2) and a CoA-transferase (CtfA/B), which are produced in increased quantities during solventogenesis. A two-population model, Millat et al. (2013) and fitted to such ‘forward’-shift data, can explain this, as well as observed changes in optical density immediately following the shift: an acidogenic subpopulation is washed out and a solventogenic subpopulation grows in its place, each with distinct physiologies and proteomes. We fit this model to a ‘reverse’-shift experiment, where the pH is increased from solventogenic to acidogenic conditions. We find corresponding changes in reaction rates, with AdhE1 and Adc production falling, as in the ‘forward’ experiments; however, for CtfA/B, the best fit surprisingly arises from the same level of production in both conditions. We propose experiments that would test whether this is a model artefact or accurately reflects cultures shifted in this reverse direction, and, if true, may suggest that over-expressing CtfA/B in both solventogenic and acidogenic conditions could improve the efficiency of fermentation.

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