
The study of higher-order statistics, particularly 3-point statistics, of the Large Scale Structure (LSS) of the Universe provides us with unique information on the biasing relation between luminous and dark matter and on deviations from primordial Gaussianity. As a result, much effort has been put into improving measurement techniques as well as theoretical modelling, especially in Fourier space. Comparatively, little progress has been made, instead, in configuration space analyses. This work represents a first step towards filling this gap by proposing a new strategy for modelling 3-point statistics at higher perturbative orders in configuration space. Starting from the next-to-leading order model for the matter bispectrum, we use 2D-FFTLog to generate its counterpart in configuration space. We calibrate the procedure using the leading order predictions for which an analytic model for the 3-point correlation function (3PCF) already exists. Then we assess the goodness of the 3PCF model by comparing its predictions with measurements performed on the matter distribution in collisionless cosmological N-body simulation (DEMNUni). We focus on two redshifts (z = 0.49 and z = 1.05) in the range spanned by current and future galaxy redshift surveys. The χ 2 analysis reveals that the next-to-leading order 3PCF models significantly improve over the leading order one for all triangle configurations in both redshifts, increasing the number of matched configurations at redshift z = 1.05 and z = 0.49, respectively. In particular, a significant improvement is also seen on the Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) scale for triangle configurations whose smallest side length is well into the nonlinear regime. The computational cost of the model proposed here is high but not prohibitively large — order of five hours in a 48-core computation — and represents the first step towards a complete 3PC model for the galaxies.

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