
Events of climate change have led to increased aridification, which alters local vegetation patterns and results in the invasion of opportunistic species. Though many studies assess the impact of invasive weeds and aridification at the agronomic level, studies investigating changes in local vegetation are severely lacking. We investigated the impact of the invasive plant Verbesina encelioides (Asteraceae) on the local vegetation composition across different dryland ecosystems in Punjab, northwestern India. Based on the aridity index for the period of 1991-2016, three major dryland ecosystems, i.e., arid, semi-arid, and sub-humid, were found in Punjab. The impact of V. encelioides on local biodiversity was measured in terms of species diversity (using Shannon's diversity index, Simpson's dominance index, Hill's evenness index, and Margalef's richness index), species composition (using non-metric multidimensional scaling based on Bray-Curtis's dissimilarity index), and species proportion in the two invasion classes (uninvadedandinvaded) and across the three aridity zones (arid, semi-arid, and sub-humid). The vegetation survey depicted the presence of 53 flowering species belonging to 22 families, including 30 exotics and 23 natives. Verbesina encelioides decreased species diversity and proportion, with a more pronounced impact in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. In contrast, species composition varied between uninvaded and invaded classes only in arid ecosystems. Ecological parameters derived from population statistics (number of individuals) were more drastically affected than those from species abundance data. Since the ecological impacts of V. encelioides were manifested with increased aridification, it is a matter of apprehension under the potential climate change scenario.

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