
This Chapter will describe air quality modelling in and around an urban area and a mixed urban/rural area, using two case studies. One case study is a power plant that was proposed near Nanaimo, BC and the other case study is a major road development in the Metro Vancouver area. In the interest of public health and environmental protection, government agencies monitor current ambient air quality and regularly assess the impact that human activities can have on these interests. Any major project that will potentially impact the ambient air quality must be assessed before the project can go forward. Air quality models are one of the tools used for such assessments. The chapter begins with a general discussion of dispersion models, the types of models, where one can access approved models, and the input data requirements of dispersion models. This chapter includes excerpts from “Guidelines for Air Quality Dispersion Modelling in British Columbia” (BC MoE, http://www.elp.gov.bc.ca/epd/bcairquality/reports/air_disp_model_08.html, 2008) and “A Primer on the Guidelines for Air Quality Dispersion Modelling in British Columbia” (BC MoE, http://www.elp.gov.bc.ca/epd/bcairquality/reports/aq_disp_model_06_primer.html, 2006).

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