
Tropical cyclones directly trigger turbidity currents in submarine canyons as a consequence of storm surges, high waves, onshore blowing winds and extreme currents. The resultant supply of sediment at the heads of the canyons plays a crucial role in the genesis of turbidity currents and thus is key in understanding frequency and duration of their flows. Here we present a single numerical framework capable of modelling turbidity currents driven by cyclone-induced winds and waves through resolved, quasi-3D hydrostatic equations. Our simulations predict the occurrence of a canyon-confined turbid underflow induced by a tropical cyclone that caused a seafloor pipeline to shift. Turbidity current occurrence is shown to be related not just to tropical cyclone intensities but also to their tracks with respect to the canyon head. The modelled underflow is well approximated by similarity profiles from laboratory and field observations which demonstrates the reliability of the model in capturing the structure of turbidity currents. The proposed triggering of turbidity currents off the centre of coastal embayments is likely to occur when the abrupt rotation of incoming winds induced by a passing cyclone remains always coastal-bound all across the cyclone’s waxing and waning stages. Our results show that these conditions can give rise to simultaneous, opposite alongshore currents and eventually result in offshore-bound rip currents. Conversely, it is unlikely that turbidity currents will be triggered by cyclone-induced rip currents when the cyclonic rotation results in peak offshore winds (coming from the land), as no fetch is available for generating large breaking waves to induce simultaneous, opposite alongshore currents. Nevertheless, the sole presence of strong alongshore currents deflected at the headlands of a coastal embayment (or delta) is likely to trigger sediment-gravity flows and eventually result in turbidity currents offshore the edge of the embayment without the aid of rip currents.

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