
The purpose of this study was to construct models for predicting the structure of young Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) stands. The two-parameter Weibull function characterized the height distribution of the stands. In young stands height was preferred to dbh as a random variable because of its continuous feature. Tree diameters were predicted using a multiplicative model, fitted as a linearized mixed-effect model. The modelling data consisted of repeatedly measured Scots pine dominated juvenile stands, carried out on a sub-sample of the 7th National Forest Inventory. The data covered a dominant height range from 0.2 up to 17 m. Two independent data sets were used to validate the models. The Weibull function was fitted using the maximum likelihood method. Four methods for predicting the distributions were compared: (1) parameter prediction models (PPM) consisting of seemingly unrelated regression equations, (2) a generalized linear model (GLM) which was a one-stage distribution and model fitting procedure, (3) a hybrid method including PPM for the shape parameter together with moment-based parameter recovery for the scale parameter, and (4) inclusion of moment-based parameter recovery for the scale parameter in the estimated GLM. Goodness-of-fit were tested in terms of Kolmogorov–Smirnov and error index statistics. Parameter recovery showed no improvement when used with PPM, but it improved GLM and gave the overall best performance for this new method. The constructed diameter–height model showed quite flexible and unbiased behaviour. Models are recommended as practical tools for Finnish forest management planning purposes.

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