
The simulation of crop - soil systems with a model requires an appropriate description of the root dynamics. An empirical root growth model that simulates root-shoot relations, root distribution and a dynamic response to environmental conditions is presented. The root model extends an existing crop model and links it to a soil model to calculate dry matter accumulation, water and nitrogen dynamics of a wheat crop. Simulated roots are distributed over soil layers according to carbon supply from the shoots by using a 'top down principle'. This principle favours the top layers for root growth by first providing all available carbon to the first layer. Under unfavourable soil conditions in that layer, carbon is given to the next deeper soil layer. This procedure is repeated until a separately calculated rooting depth is reached. At that depth all available carbon is used for root growth regardless of current soil conditions. Under most simulated conditions the 'top down principle ' results in a negative exponential function of a monotone decrease of root distribution with soil depth. However, it can also account for larger root densities deeper in the profile when water or nitrogen deficiency occurs in soil. In addition to soil water and soil nitrogen supply the root model considers soil compaction, aeration and root distribution history for root growth simulation. The new model, consisting of an existing crop and soil model and linked through a new developed root model, was calibrated and tested using two independent field experiments. A sensitivity analysis was carried out by varying parameters, initial soil conditions and hypothetic weather patterns as part of the validation process. Root length density distribution (r2(1:1)=0.65), shoot, grain and total root biomass (r2(1:1)=0.87) were predicted satisfactorily, thus providing a useful tool for specific simulation studies on that site.

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