
Drift displacement during density homogenization is modelled for hydrogen pellets injected into the Large Helical Device (LHD). The pellet ablation and deposition profiles are simulated for neutral-beam injection heated plasmas and are shown to reproduce well the main characteristics of the observed drift displacement for both low-field side and high-field side (HFS) injected pellets. The model describes the parallel expansion of ionized ablated pellet particle cloudlets (plasmoid) in non-axisymmetric magnetic configurations and the associated evolution of the plasmoid drift acceleration force exerted by the average magnetic field gradient over the plasmoid length. It is shown that, during the ablation and early homogenization phases, plasmoids are strongly accelerated towards the inverse direction of the local magnetic field gradient. In the case of the LHD, its direction and magnitude depend mainly on the pellet launching location with respect to the external helical coils. While such an initial drift—induced near the ablation region—is efficiently damped by plasmoid internal currents as soon as the plasmoid length becomes comparable to a toroidal connection length, a weak drift acceleration force is maintained over the whole homogenization time, whose direction depends on whether the confining magnetic field possesses a magnetic well or hill structure. Simulations show that, in a strong magnetic hill configuration like the LHD, this small but long-term drift becomes significant and results in a radially outward displacement of the mass deposition even for pellets injected from the HFS.

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