
In a previous study concerning the cracking at transverse joints in jointed plain concrete pavements (JPCP), the authors uses equations from the standard Eurocode 2 for the time-dependent concrete properties and considers the thermal deformation and the shrinkage for different design and construction conditions. For properties that are not available in standards, the authors made assumptions based on engineering judgment.In this present paper the starting point is that previous modelling, and now the assumptions made in that work are studied more in depth. The paper also includes an improvement of the development of the concrete elastic modulus and strength. According with that, the objective of this paper is to improve the theoretical background of the assumptions and the modelling of the initiation and development of cracks at joints in JPCP for Dutch conditions. Concerning one of the most important influencing factors, the relaxation, a new equation is proposed. From both the theoretical and the practical point of view these improvements describe in a better way the process of cracking in JPCP for Dutch conditions.KeywordsStress RelaxationCrack WidthTransverse CrackMaturity MethodHydration HeatThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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