
This study aims to determine the pattern of dissemination, distribution model and estimation of SO, and CO gas ermssmn concentration denved from the Tello diesel engme with a dynarmc model approach The design of tins research is descriptive quantitative with Gaussian Model approach and dynamic system model The study was conducted at PL TD Tello Kata Makassar by collecting secondary data. For model distnbutron and estimation of SO, and CO pollution using Gaussian Model and dynamic modelmg with Stella Population m this research rs data of ermssion ermssion parameters generated by Tello's steam power plant mfluenced by atrnosphenc stability, wmd direction and velocity so as to obtam concentration of pollutant by using Gaussian calculation sample sample is SO, concentration concentration and CO PLTD Tello contamed m momtormg report on RKL&RPL implementation for 2012-201 7. The results of the dominant area of research are the unpact of pollution from the Tello diesel power plant based on the dommant wmd direction dunng 2012-2016 is the Northwest part of the Tello steam power plant at a height of 1 m above the ground with a distance of 500, 1.500, 2.500 and 4.000 m of the Tello diesel powered TTL Aspol, Panaikang, Pampang and Rappokalling Total SO2and CO errussron concentrations denved from Tello PLTD dunng 2012-2016 m each location at 1 m above ground level with a distance of 500m, i e., Aspir Tello SO, 1 395 and CO 1 162 µg/m', a distance of 1,500 m of SO,, SO, 1 247 and.CO I 039 µg/m and COO 7317 ug/m'anda distence of 4,000 m ofRappokalling 0.6363 µg/m' and COO 5303 µg/m' from the pollutant source of the chimney PLTD Tello. The estimated coocentraucn of Sulfur D10x1de (SOi) and Carbon monoxide (CO) gas ermssrons based on 12 month dynamic model sunulabon(2018) is mcreasing every tune until July 2018 at each of four location points at l m above the surface soil with a distance of500m of Aspol Tello S02 0 26065 µg/m 1 2,500m distance ofPampang O 878 µg/m 3 3 and COO 21530 µg/m 3 , 1,500rn distance of Panaikang SO, 0.04447 ug/m' and COO 03134 µg/m3, distance 2500 rn of Pampmg SO, 0 01760 µg/m 3 and CO O 00938 µg/m 1 and a distance of 4,000 m ofRappokalltng SO, 0 00740 µg/m 3 and CO 0 ())611 ug/m' from the source of the bursts of the Tello steam power plant with the rate of increase in the ermssronconcentrationof Asp2 SO, 0 0053 and COO 0044 tunes, SO, 04061 tunes and.COO OOJ4 tunes, Pampang SO, O.CXXl21 tunes and CO O.CXXXl73 trmes and Rappokallmg SOi O OC0078 tunes and CO O OO<X064 tunes every month. The concentration of SO, and CO emissions generated by the Tello steam power plant durmg 2012-2016 rs still far below the ambient arr quality standard (South Sulawesi Governor Decree No 69 Year 2010) m each location at a height of 1 m above ground level, i e , Aspol Tello 0--139 µgiln', Panaikang0-1 247 µg/m' Pampmg 0-0 878 µg/m 3 and Rappokallmg 0--0 6363 µglm 3 • So, it can be said that the four areas are still mcluded in the air quality is quite healthy

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