
The modelling of hillslope hydrology is of great importance not only for the reason that all non-plain, i.e. hilly or mountainous, landscapes can be considered as being composed of a mosaic of hillslopes. A hillslope model may also be used for both research purposes and for application-oriented, detailed, hillslope-scale hydrological studies in conjunction with related scientific disciplines such as geotechnics, geo-chemistry and environmental technology. Despite the current limited application of multi-process and multi-dimensional hydrological models (particularly at the hillslope scale), hardly any comprehensive model has been available for operational use. In this paper we introduce a model which considers most of the relevant hillslope hydrological processes. Some recent applications are described which demonstrate its ability to narrow the stated gap in hillslope hydrological modelling. The modelling system accounts for the hydrological processes of interception, evapotranspiration, infiltration, soil-moisture movement (where the flow processes can be modelled in three dimensions), surface runoff, subsurface stormflow and streamflow discharge. The relevant process interactions are also included. Special regard has been given to consideration of state-of-the-art knowledge concerning rapid soilwater flow processes during storm conditions (e.g. macropore infiltration, lateral subsurface stormflow, return flow) and to its transfer to and inclusion within an operational modelling scheme. The model is “physically based” in the sense that its parameters have a physical meaning and can be obtained or derived from field measurements. This somewhat weaker than usual definition of a physical basis implies that some of the sub-models (still) contain empirical components, that the effects of the high spatial and temporal variability found in nature cannot always be expressed within the various physical laws, i.e. that the laws are scale dependent, and that due to limitations of measurements and data processing, one can express only averaged and incomplete data conditions. Several applications demonstrate the reliable performance of the model for one-, two- and three-dimensional simulations. The described examples of application are part of a comprehensive erosion and agro-chemical transport study in a loessy agricultural catchment in southwestern Germany, and of a study on the sealing efficacy of capillary barriers in landfill covers.

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