
The microstructure of cellulose microcrystalline-Carbopol ® pellets, prepared under different drying conditions (oven-dried or freeze-dried), was experimentally characterized using mercury intrusion porosimetry and then computationally modelled using Pore-Cor™ software. Connectivity (mean number of throats per pore), pore skew ( σ), throat skew ( q) and correlation level were estimated and simultaneously optimized from the mercury intrusion porosimetry cumulative curves using the Boltzmann-annealed simplex algorithm. Unit cells with percolation properties close to the real ones were generated. Water penetration rate in the simulated structures was also modelled using Pore-Cor™ and the waterfront position was calculated using the Bosanquet equation. A close correlation was found between the simulated water flow rate in the unit cell and the experimental theophylline first-order release rate constant. Thus, modelling of network microstructure and waterfronts appears as an useful tool for predicting drug release rate from matrix pellets.

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