
The aim of this study was to model pedestrian flow parameters needed in the design of pedestrian facilities. The study also characterized the flow with a view to understanding pedestrian interaction problems especially with regards to their congestion. Twenty-five locations across Kano metropolis were selected for study, thirteen locations from the city district while twelve sites were chosen from the Waje district. All the sites were high flow pedestrian locations that met the study objectives. The data was categorized into four; young male, adult male, young female and adult female. The results indicated that adult women walked faster than their male counterparts in the City district while young males were faster than the female. The adult female recorded an average speed of 73.90 m/min against the speed of 71.30 m/min for the adult male. The average characteristics of the pedestrian in the city district are speed 67.30 m/min; density 11.23 Ped/m2 and volume 33.60 Ped/m/min. In the Waje district, however, the male pedestrian whether adult or young walked faster than their corresponding female counterparts with speed of 71.45 m/min for the adult male and 59.90 m/min for the adult female. The young male was faster than the young female by 17.9%. The average pedestrian flow parameters for the Waje district indicated a combine speed of 60.21 m/min; density of 8.72 Ped/m2 and volume of 30.92 Ped/m/min. The pedestrians in the city district had a higher flow rate, higher density and higher speed than those of the Waje district. This means the city district is a little more concentrated than the Waje district in terms of pedestrian flow. The aggregate average flow parameters of pedestrians in the metropolitan area gave the following parameters: speed 68.92 m/min; density 10.03 Ped/m2 and volume 32.33 Ped/m/min. The predictive models for Kano showed a free flow speed of 59.55 m/min and a maximum flow rate of 73.0 Ped/m/min. Comparing the Kano pedestrian model with other countries it was found that the Kano pedestrian walked slower than pedestrians from Singapore and the United States

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