
The superconducting tokamak Tore Supra will be equipped with an actively cooled toroidal pump limiter (TPL), in the framework of the CIEL (Composants Internes Et Limiteurs) project, dedicated to plasma facing component design for steady state operation. The TPL is equipped with throats, located only on the high field side, for particle collection allowing the control of plasma density which is essential for long plasma discharges. The present design work of the CIEL includes a biasing system in order to enhance the particle pumping. A fluid model, based on the classical fluid equation, is used to estimate the effects of the electric field on the particle flows in the Scrape-Off Layer (SOL). The modifications of the density, the particle flow (toroidal and poloidal) and the position of the stagnation point are discussed as a function of the bias voltage. The model clearly illustrates the different resulting effects on particle pumping for a divertor and a limiter configuration which are designed respectively for poloidal or parallel particle collection.

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