
Metameterials have unique properties, which are mostly attributed to their geometrical configuration. Pentamodes, a subcategory of metamaterials, exhibit an almost zero shear elastic modulus while maintaining high compression stiffness, offering a behavior similar to that of a liquid, suggesting the potential application of pentamodes in seismic isolation. In this paper a real-life bridge bearing, composed of repetitive layers of pentamode unit cells in the horizontal and vertical axes is studied. The lattices are modelled using beam finite elements with an equivalent uniform diameter to ensuring a stiffness equal to that of the bi-cone rod. The importance of the chosen equivalent diameter is shown, as the assumption of an average diameter of the bi-cone may lead to significant discrepancies between the calculated stiffnesses. For small bi-cone diameters difference, and slender formulations, the error could grow up to 15% for the horizontal stiffness and up to 200% for vertical. For thick formulations the average diameter overestimates the horizontal stiffness by 3 times and the vertical by 4. These discrepancies grow exponentially as the bi-cone diameters difference increases. An elastoplastic material is selected. The bearing supporting the superstructure is subjected to a constant vertical weight load and a horizontal shear base load, due to seismic excitation. Under vertical loading plastic hinges are created in all the rods of the cell and bearing. However, under shear loading plastic hinges are rather initially created in the lowest nodes of the cell and the bearing.

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