
Mobile Agent (MA) is software works on behalf of user with the ability to migrate from one host to another under its own control in the open network like internet. For some applications, group of mobile agents are launched in place of single MA, these MAs interact with each other to know the status of other MAs and to communicate with them. When a MA is launched, its discoverer has no control over the MA and doesn't know about its location until it comes back to the discoverer after completing its route. In order to communicate with MAs its location must be traced and an appropriate communication mechanism must be used. The major operating cost associated with location management is the large MA cost to search and update. This paper presents a solution to locate MA in a global network for multi agent environment. Proposed solution divides the global network into regions and then combines search and update based techniques to locate MA. This paper identifies the various components of the proposed scheme and models them using Coloured Petri Net (CPN) tool. Once the model is build, various tools offered by CPN are used to check the correctness of the modelled system.

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