
The new approach of the study was to assess the consistency between the gas?particle partition coefficients of 16 EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) predicted by the Dachs?Eisenreich ab/adsorption model and the experimental results obtained within the field measurements. A total number of 29 air samples was obtained at 9 locations in Serbia. High volume air sampler was applied, with quartz filters for collecting the atmospheric particles and polyurethane foam filters (PUF) for retaining the free gas molecules of PAHs. The results predicted by the model and the experimental data were compared. The deviations between the measured and predicted f (fraction) values were less than one order of magnitude for Flo, Phe, Ant, Flu, Pyr, B(a)A and Chr. For the PAHs with high molecular mass, B(b)F, B(k)F, B(a)P, I(1,2,3-cd)P, D(ah)A and B(ghi)P, very good agreement was confirmed, except for the data measured at the Oil refinery in Pancevo. The applied model underestimated the concentrations of PAHs in gasphase for the low-molecular mass PAHs.

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