
In recent years the scientific community has significantly increased its use of virtual reality (VR) technologies in human behaviour research. In particular, the use of immersive VR has grown due to the introduction of affordable, high performance head mounted displays (HMDs). Among the fields that has strongly emerged in the last decade is affective computing, which combines psychophysiology, computer science, biomedical engineering and artificial intelligence in the development of systems that can automatically recognize emotions. The progress of affective computing is especially important in human behaviour research due to the central role that emotions play in many background processes, such as perception, decision-making, creativity, memory and social interaction. Several studies have tried to develop a reliable methodology to evoke and automatically identify emotional states using objective physiological measures and machine learning methods. However, the majority of previous studies used images, audio or video to elicit emotional statements; to the best of our knowledge, no previous research has developed an emotion recognition system using immersive VR. Although some previous studies analysed physiological responses in immersive VR, they did not use machine learning techniques for biosignal processing and classification. Moreover, a crucial concept when using VR for human behaviour research is validity: the capacity to evoke a response from the user in a simulated environment similar to the response that might be evoked in a physical environment. Although some previous studies have used psychological and cognitive dimensions to compare responses in real and virtual environments, few have extended this research to analyse physiological or behavioural responses. Moreover, to our knowledge, this is the first study to compare VR scenarios with their real-world equivalents using physiological measures coupled with machine learning algorithms, and to analyse the ability of VR to transfer and extrapolate insights obtained from VR environments to real environments. The main objective of this thesis is, using psycho-physiological and behavioural responses in combination with machine learning methods, and by performing a direct comparison between a real and virtual environment, to validate immersive VR as an emotion elicitation tool. To do so we develop an experimental protocol involving emotional 360o environments, an art exhibition in a real museum, and a highly-realistic 3D virtualization of the same art exhibition. This thesis provides novel contributions to the use of immersive VR in human behaviour research, particularly in relation to emotions. VR can help in the application of methodologies designed to present more realistic stimuli in the assessment of daily-life environments and situations, thus overcoming the current limitations of affective elicitation, which classically uses images, audio and video. Moreover, it analyses the validity of VR by performing a direct comparison using highly-realistic simulation. We believe that immersive VR will revolutionize laboratory-based emotion elicitation methods. Moreover, its synergy with physiological measurement and machine learning techniques will impact transversely in many other research areas, such as architecture, health, assessment, training, education, driving and marketing, and thus open new opportunities for the scientific community. The present dissertation aims to contribute to this progress.

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