
Loss and deterioration of habitats are major threats for Tetrao urogallus in central Europe, where forests are highly fragmented and forest practices have distinctly changed during the last decades. Habitat models are important tools for conservation planning, often relying on presence–absence data. We mapped indirect signs of Tetrao urogallus presence as well as habitat variables over a series of seven study areas in the Austrian Alps, situated on limestone and on silicate rock. We modelled habitat use of Tetrao urogallus with one parametric approach (binary logistic regression) and two machine learning classification algorithms (classification trees and random forests) for both geological substrata separately. All three modelling approaches performed equally well in terms of accuracy or predictive power, but differed in model calibration. Three variables significantly contributed to all three habitat models on limestone and on silicate substrate, respectively, i.e. the cover of field-layer, the cover of dwarf shrubs and the proportion of deciduous trees in forest stands on limestone and the cover of field-layer, the canopy cover and the occurrence of Abies alba and/or Pinus sylvestris in forest stands on silicate rock. Some variables like the cover of Rubus sp. appeared in several models, which are not frequently mentioned in other studies. There have been some explanatory variables, which would have been missed, when applying just one single modelling approach, for example the occurrence of forest edges, the availability of canopy gaps and the supply of ant hills. Our results suggest differing habitat management strategies on limestone and on silicate rock. Considering the large spatial requirements of Tetrao urogallus the necessity of active habitat management for Tetrao urogallus becomes obvious.

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