
The study aims to assess the performance of an adsorption chiller using the Maxsorb III-methanol as an adsorbent pair. A modified transient lumped parameter model was developed to evaluate the dynamic behavior of the system at various operating parameters. Methanol is used as refrigerant as it has a significant latent heat of evaporation, high normal boiling point, low melting point and environmentally friendly. The results showed that the modified transient lumped parameter model can predict well the dynamic behavior of the adsorption chiller under different operating conditions. The system was able to produce about 13.65 kW (227 W kg-1) cooling capacity with a thermal COP of 0.73 at 85 and 30 oC driving source and cooling temperatures respectively. In addition, simulation tests were made to compare the performance of the Maxsorb III-methanol system with the different working pairs at the same physical dimensions of the present system components and operating parameters. At heat source temperatures of 85 oC which can be gained from waste heat or solar energy, the COP of the Maxsorb III-methanol cycle was about 12.0%, 44.0% and 6.6% higher than that of ACF-ethanol, silica-gel-water and activated charcoal/methanol cycles. The Maxsorb III/methanol adsorption cycle can work effectively with low grade heat sources, which can be gained from renewable energy or waste heat sources.

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