
This paper analyses the nonlinear dynamic response of a single hybrid riser pipe to wave excitations. Detailed nonlinear equations of motion are derived for the riser pipe as it conveys two-phase flow. Hence its dynamics are described by two coupled nonlinear equations, relating to both longitudinal and transverse displacements. Wave excitations forcing the system are imposed as oscillating inline flow. In addition, considering that the riser is a structure that is vibrating in a moving fluid, the inline force is modelled with the extended Morison equation. These equations are solved by the method of multiple scale perturbation. Theoretical results show that longitudinal and transverse responses are coupled at some specified natural frequencies. Similarly, the riser pipe is also prone to primary and super-harmonic resonance excitations at some wave frequencies. This presents a complex nonlinear multi-frequency excitation problem identical to the numerical studies conducted on a typical single hybrid riser pipe based on the frequency response curves. The uncoupled primary resonance behaviour of the transverse displacements for all the void fractions studied exhibited a hardening nonlinear behaviour of non-unique responses and jump phenomenon. However, a distinctive feature of the harmonics was observed where the curves separate into two to form an isolated branch of periodic solutions. These are known as Isola. Also, the presence of internal resonance results in the transfer of energy between the planar axis resulting in undesirable axial resonance peaks which are destabilized by the presence of the nonlinear anti-resonance effect.

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