
It is widely anticipated that there will be a paradigm shift in the coming year from desktop-centric computing to mobile computing. This will have a number of significant ramifications. One issue of critical importance is the design, development and deployment of software solutions for mobile users. In this paper, we suggested a mobile collaboration framework based on distributed object group framework (DOGF). This paper focuses on the use of this framework to support mobile collaboration. Therefore, we improved the existing work and apply it to the construction of u-healthcare agent services. For supporting mobile collaboration, we divided into two agent types such as the stationary and the moving-typed agents according to the function of mobile devices. The data collected by sensors attached on arbitrary spaces can be shared by 2-typed agents or a home server, and exchanged with each other using the Push and Pull methods. For managing this information, the DOGF provides functions of object group management, storing information and security services to our mobile collaboration framework via defined application interfaces. We also showed via GUI the executablility of healthcare application supporting for medical work in hospitals on our mobile collaboration framework. Information Management using mobile phone in Wireless Sensor Network is a very common factor. This system will be as simple as possible providing all the facilities those are available in remote PC based applications. A wireless mesh network furnishes the WSN. Mobile phones are going to be the nodes or access points of this network. Some predefined activities like error messages or warning messages after sensing the system environment along with all types of responses to user queries can be achieved in this system. A simple user friendly GUI is implemented for user and there is a server to authenticate the logged in user, listen to the requests and replies them accordingly. The user can(i) get the reports regarding all/individual tags and or routes, emergency messages, sensors and also the location information and /or (ii) send actuation command to the server using which immediate decision about the system can be taken from server side. Thus any remote user can be assisted by this system and can communicate with WSN anywhere, anytime.

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