
It has been recognized that the turbulent cross helicity (correlation between the velocity and magnetic-field fluctuations) can play an important role in several magnetohydrodynamic plasma phenomena such as the global magnetic-field generation, turbulence suppression, and so on. Despite its relevance to the cross-helicity evolution, little attention has been paid to the dissipation rate of the turbulent cross helicity, ϵ W . In this paper, we consider the model expression for ϵ W . In addition to the algebraic model, an evolution equation of ϵ W is proposed on the basis of the statistical analytical theory of inhomogeneous turbulence. A turbulence model with the modeling of ϵ W is applied to the solar-wind turbulence. Numerical results on the large-scale evolution of cross helicity are compared with the satellite observations. It is shown that, as far as the solar-wind application is concerned, the simplest possible algebraic model for ϵ W is sufficient for elucidating the large-scale spatial evolution of the solar-wind turbulence. Dependence of the cross-helicity evolution on the large-scale velocity structures, such as velocity shear and flow expansion, is also discussed.

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