
This article investigates the impact of travel information on transport choice behavior and the impact of travel time display. To this end, we estimate linear regression models using data from the Mobility Survey, which consists of observational data on transport mode choice. Based on the results obtained through the conducted questionnaire surveys, many influencing factors on the choice of transport were studied through the correlation equation. Using the applied Logit model, the maximum likelihood method was used for the selection of the mode of movement in the evaluation of the objective function of passengers in inter-address movement. The objective function in the choice of which of the available alternatives was preferred by each passenger in moving to the intended destination was evaluated. The important variable attributes of the alternatives that influence the choice of inter-destination transportation means of passengers are identified. The choice model represents the probability of choosing each alternative through the calculated Logit model. A linear regression equation was developed using the coefficients obtained on the basis of the correlation matrix. The results of the regression model were obtained as part of the interaction of the transport choices of passengers.

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