
The article constructs a model of the formation of leadership qualities of primary school students by means of interactive technologies, the constituent elements of which are: the goal (creating conditions for the formation and self-education of leadership qualities of primary school students by means of interactive technologies); content (a cluster of leadership qualities that provide an individual with dominance in peer relationships); stages of formation (motivational, informational and cognitive, valuable, praxeological, reflective); pedagogical conditions (motivation of students for leadership; ensuring the readiness of the teaching staff of the primary school for the formation of leadership qualities of students; development of student self-government); forms and methods (verbal, visual, practical, interactive: the author's training exercise "A wise choice between strengthening food security and promoting alternative sources of energy?", role-playing games "Lace", "Big family photo", "Three facts about yourself", "Pam "Antagonist for feelings", "Joint drawing", "Convey in one word", "Mafia" and others); diagnostic toolkit (questionnaire to determine the formation of leadership qualities); result (increasing the level of formation of leadership qualities of primary school students).It is emphasized that the motivational stage of the model involves the formation of needs for high achievements, prestige and recognition, self-realization. It is indicated that the informational and cognitive stage of the model is based on the transfer of knowledge about leadership (situational theory, theory of value exchange, theory of servant-leadership), power, methods of psychological influence on the social environment, methods of self-diagnosis and self-education of leadership qualities to a primary school student. It is emphasized that the value stage of the model ensures a positive attitude of elementary school students to leadership as a universal and national value. Therefore, the formation of behavioral components of students' leadership qualities is expected through the use of interactive technologies. The final stage of the model is the reflective and evaluation component, which allows the student to reach the level of self-education and overcome the distance between the "I-real" and "I-ideal".

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