
Abstract. Immediately following the breakup of the 2005 Arctic spring stratospheric vortex, a tropical air mass, characterized by low potential vorticity (PV) and high nitrous oxide (N2O), was advected poleward and became trapped in the easterly summer polar vortex. This feature, known as a "Frozen-In Anticyclone (FrIAC)", was observed in Earth Observing System (EOS) Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) data to span the potential temperature range from ~580 to 1100 K (~25 to 40 km altitude) and to persist from late March to late August 2005. This study compares MLS N2O observations with simulations from the Global Modeling Initiative (GMI) chemistry and transport model, the GEOS-5/MERRA Replay model, and the Van Leer Icosahedral Triangular Advection (VITA) isentropic transport model to elucidate the processes involved in the lifecycle of the FrIAC, which is here divided into three distinct phases. During the "spin-up phase" (March to early April), strong poleward flow resulted in a tight isolated anticyclonic vortex at ~70–90° N, marked with elevated N2O. GMI, Replay, and VITA all reliably simulated the spin-up of the FrIAC, although the GMI and Replay peak N2O values were too low. The FrIAC became trapped in the developing summer easterly flow and circulated around the polar region during the "anticyclonic phase" (early April to the end of May). During this phase, the FrIAC crossed directly over the pole between 7 and 14 April. The VITA and Replay simulations transported the N2O anomaly intact during this crossing, in agreement with MLS, but unrealistic dispersion of the anomaly occurred in the GMI simulation due to excessive numerical mixing of the polar cap. The vortex associated with the FrIAC was apparently resistant to the weak vertical shear during the anticyclonic phase, and it thereby protected the embedded N2O anomaly from stretching. The vortex decayed in late May due to diabatic processes, leaving the N2O anomaly exposed to horizontal and vertical wind shears during the "shearing phase" (June to August). The observed lifetime of the FrIAC during this phase is consistent with timescales calculated from the ambient horizontal and vertical wind shear. Replay maintained the horizontal structure of the N2O anomaly similar to MLS well into August. Isentropic simulations using VITA also captured the horizontal structure of the FrIAC during this phase, but small-scale structures maintained by VITA are problematic and show that important mixing processes are absent from this single-level simulation.


  • The winter-to-summer transition in the Arctic stratosphere has been examined in numerous observational and modeling studies, and a good general understanding of the processes governing this transition has developed

  • In the remainder of the winter polar vortex breakup in late March, consistent with paper we focus on the Replay simulation, since the Frozen-In Anticyclone (FrIAC) is expectations for a late-March breakup of the northern winter significantly “washed out” in the Global Modeling Initiative (GMI) simulation after this vortex (Waugh and Rong, 2002)

  • During this time the easterly summer jet is accelerating initialization allows a better direct comparison for this period, so that around 14 April the FrIAC starts its by removing much of the fine-scale structure that was gener- westward march around the pole, reaching 180◦ E longitude ated in Van leer Icosahedral Triangular Advection (VITA) during the polar vortex breakup. by 28 April and back near the Greenwich Meridian on 5

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The winter-to-summer transition in the Arctic stratosphere has been examined in numerous observational and modeling studies, and a good general understanding of the processes governing this transition has developed. The signature in the dynamical fields (e.g., potential vorticity or potential temperature) tends to decay on a timescale of 1–2 months due to diabatic processes (Hess, 1990, 1991), whereas anomalies in chemical tracers (e.g., low nitrous oxide) can last much longer, persisting even until late August (Orsolini, 2001) These features are said to be “frozen-in” to the summer easterly jet, which is characterized by weak horizontal and vertical shear (Piani and Norton, 2002), thereby allowing complicated structures to remain unmixed for long time periods. A second FrIAC event was observed in PV and Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) methane data during the summer of 2003 (Lahoz et al, 2007) This FrIAC developed during the mid-April 2003 final warming and lasted (in the chemical tracer field) until August.

Meteorological data
Microwave Limb Sounder data
Three-dimensional chemistry and transport models
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