
Pseudosection modeling constrains the pressure–temperature (P–T) exhumation path of partially melted ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metapelites exposed in the North-East Greenland UHP terrane. A robust peak P and T estimate of 3.6GPa and 970°C based on mineral assemblages in nearby kyanite eclogites is the starting point for the P–T path. Although the peak assemblage for the metapelite is not preserved, the calculated modeled peak assemblage contained substantial clinopyroxene, garnet, phengite, K-feldspar and coesite with minor kyanite and rutile. Combining the pseudosection and observed textures, the decompression path crosses the coesite-quartz transition before reaching the dry phengite dehydration melting reaction where phengite is abruptly consumed. In the range of 2.5 to 2.2GPa, clinopyroxene is completely consumed and garnet grows to its maximum volume and grossular content, matching the high grossular rims of relict megacrysts. Plagioclase joins the assemblage and the pseudosection predicts up to 12–13vol.% melt in the supersolidus assemblage, which contained garnet, liquid, K-feldspar, plagioclase, kyanite, quartz and rutile. At this stage, the steep decompression path flattened out and became nearly isobaric. The melt crystallization assemblage that formed when the path crossed the solidus with decreasing temperature contains phengite, garnet, biotite, 2 feldspars, kyanite, quartz and rutile. Therefore, the path must have intersected the solidus at approximately 1.2GPa, 825°C. The pseudosection predicts that garnet is consumed on the cooling path, but little evidence of late garnet consumption or other retrograde effects is observed. This may be due to partial melt loss from the rock. Isochemical PT–n and PT–X sections calculated along the P–T path display changes in mineral assemblage and composition that are consistent with preserved assemblages.

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