
The aqueous iron electrode is attractive for large-scale energy storage because of its long life and low materials cost. The redox potential of the Fe ↔ Fe2+ reaction is approximately 50 mV negative of that of the hydrogen evolution reaction. Hydrogen evolution therefore causes self discharge of the iron electrode during rest and competes with the iron reaction during charge. Here we model the effect of electrode design and cell operation on the coulombic efficiency of charging the iron electrode at modest charging rates (<C/20). Kinetic parameters (exchange current density and transfer coefficients) for the iron dissolution-precipitation reaction and for the hydrogen evolution reaction are estimated from experimental measurements of electrode overpotential and hydrogen generation rate. The volume change from Fe(OH)2 to Fe metal results in a significant increase in porosity during charge and results in change in electrochemically active surface area. The porous-electrode model includes transport in the electrolyte, Butler-Volmer kinetics, and change in volume and surface area.The model provides a theoretical explanation for experimental observations that coulombic efficiency decreases with decreasing charge rate, and that coulombic efficiency is lower in thicker electrodes. We then use the model to explore the impact for large-format cells of electrode size and design on coulombic efficiency.

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