
Structures and energetics of reactants, reactant complexes, concerted transition structures, and products of the cycloaddition of the prototypical nitrone with vinylborane have been produced and discussed. Structure optimizations have been performed at the B3LYP/6-31G(d) and B3LYP/AUG-cc-pVDZ levels of approximation, and single-point calculations on the B3LYP geometries have been carried out at the MP4(SDTQ) level with the same basis sets. Kinetic contributions to standard enthalpies, entropies, and free enthalpies have been computed at the same levels of geometry optimizations. The effects of methyl and chloro substitution on the BH2 group and of methyl substitution on the vinyl moiety has been also explicitly considered. The most striking theoretical features of this cycloaddition are (i) the formation of reactant complexes where the nitrone oxygen is strictly bound up to the boron atom (B...O interactions), (ii) their persistence in the endo/exo transition structures, and (iii) energy profiles suggesting very high reaction rates, regiospecificity (5-borylisoxazolidines) and complete endo-stereoselectivity. The BH2 (BX2) substituent appears to induce a sort of intramolecular catalysis which is also largely selective in favor of the endo reaction path. Possible competitive reaction paths such as cyclization, organoboration, and oxidation have equally been investigated, on the same grounds, both with prototypical reagents and with dimethylvinylborane, dichlorovinylborane, 2-methyl-1-propenylborane, and 2-methyl-1-propenyldichloroborane. The transition structures for these reaction paths are significantly higher in energy than those of the corresponding 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions in the sequence oxidation >> cyclization > boration > cycloaddition, whereas the resulting reaction products show the reversed sequence. Polar solvents appear to increase the competition of boration although maintaining its character of secondary reaction. As expected, the reaction rate of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition is lowered by dimethyl substitution on the vinyl CH2 reacting center (i.e., for the reaction of 2-methyl-1-propenylborane and 2-methyl-1-propenyldichloroborane) whereas the reaction rate of boration is increased, the boration results being significantly competitive even in the gas phase. Experiments for the control of the above predictions are not yet available.

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