
Surface runoff can be modeled deteiministically with kinematic, diffusion, or dynamic waves. Kinematic waves convect runoff, but do not diffuse it. Diffusion waves convect runoff under a small but perceptible amount of diffusion. Dynamic waves convect runoff and strongly diffuse it. Kinematic and dynamic waves are well established in hydrologic engineering research and practice. Diffusion waves, however, have only recently been accepted in practice, as shown by their inclusion in Version 4.0 of HEC-1: Flood Hydrograph Package (Hydrologic Engineering Center, 1990). Given the current emphasis on computational modeling of surface runoff, a review of these three models is warranted at this time. This paper focuses on the following: (1) definition and properties of kinematic, diffusion, and dynamic waves, (2) role of numerical diffusion in kinematic wave modeling, (3) nature of kinematic shock, and (4) role of Vedernikov number in surface runoff modeling.KeywordsOverland FlowFlash FloodDynamic WaveNumerical DiffusionFlood WaveThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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