
Cable-based yarding technology has had a long tradition on steep slopes in Europe, and the new implementation of yarding functions in recent decades favored operational efficiency and lower extraction costs. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the performance of the Syncrofalke 3t truck-mounted Processor Tower Yarder (PTY) on steep terrain, in coniferous forests managed with the shelterwood system. In particular, the aim was to determine PTY productivity and costs, with attention to parameters that could increase PTY effectiveness. The study was carried out in the Sredna Gora Mountains, Central Bulgaria, in pure Scots pine stand, with trees of average DBH = 34 cm and height = 22 m. The study was carried out in six corridors with 120 work cycles of tree extraction up the hill, 28° (53%). The mean productivity of PTY was 15.20 m3 per productive machine hour (PMH) and 12.29 m3 per scheduled machine hour (SMH) and was mainly influenced by the productivity of the yarder unit. Under the given conditions, the performance of PTY significantly increased if more than one tree (at least two trees) were attached and extracted per yarder cycle, since the productivity of the processor was approximately twice that of the yarder. The gross costs of the studied PTY were calculated at 297.48 EUR PMH−1 and 16.17 EUR m−3. The variable costs (75%) predominate in the net costs distribution, followed by the fixed costs (15%) and the labor costs (10%). The time, productivity and cost results obtained showed the high efficiency and level of integration of PTY operations in order to achieve economic efficiency of logging in montane pine forest managed in a shelterwood system.

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