
: Numerical modeling using Surface-water Modelling System (SMS) is carried out to simulatethe hydrodynamic and sediment transport pattern in Monano Bay, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. The model applies scenarios of the existing bay before and after berthing structures development. Field data acquisition and secondary data collection are carried out to complete the model. The field measurement includesbathymetry, tide elevation, and current velocity measurements. Validation of the model and field measurement shows good agreement. The validated parameters are the tidal elevation and velocity data. The model shows that in flood and ebb condition, the current flows to the south-east and north-west direction, respectively. The velocity is in the range of 0.1 – 0.25 m/s. The sedimentation modeling shows that the seabed changes are not significant for model scenarios before and after the port development. It is found that the potential increment of sedimentation in Monano Bay with berthing structure being there is about 10 – 15 cm in a one-year simulation.

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