
AbstractKochia [Bassia scoparia(L.) A. J. Scott] is a problematic weed species across the Great Plains, as it is spreading fast and has developed herbicide-resistant biotypes. It is imperative to understand key life-history stages that promote population expansion ofB. scopariaand control strategies that would provide effective control of these key stages, thereby reducing population growth. Diversifying weed control strategies has been widely recommended for the management of herbicide-resistant weeds. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to develop a simulation model to assess the population dynamics ofB. scopariaand to evaluate the effectiveness of diverse weed control strategies on long-term growth rates ofB. scopariapopulations. The model assumed the existence of a glyphosate-resistant (GR) biotype in theB. scopariapopulation, but at a very low proportion in a crop rotation that included glyphosate-tolerant corn (Zea maysL.) and soybean [Glycine max(L.) Merr.]. The parameter estimates used in the model were obtained from various ecological and management studies onB. scoparia. Model simulations indicated that seedling recruitment and survival to seed production were more important than seedbank persistence forB. scopariapopulation growth rate. Results showed that a diversified management program, including glyphosate, could provide excellent control ofB. scopariapopulations and potentially eliminate already evolved GRB. scopariabiotypes within a given location. The most successful scenario was a diverse control strategy that included one or two preplant tillage operations followed by preplant or PRE application of herbicides with residual activities and POST application of glyphosate; this strategy reduced seedling recruitment, survival, and seed production during the growing season, with tremendous negative impacts on long-term population growth and resistance risk inB. scoparia.

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