
This paper describes initial efforts to develop and apply 3D finite-difference models to simulate transient flow in the mold. These transient flow phenomena include flow pattern oscillations caused by sudden changes in nozzle inlet conditions and rapid fluctuations in the molten steel⧹flux interface level at the top surface of the mold. The flow model incorporates interactions with other transport phenomena, including turbulence, superheat removal and argon gas bubble injection. Predictions are shown for the oscillatory evolution of the flow pattern from biased steady flow to symmetrical steady flow after a sudden change in inlet conditions. In addition, the predicted turbulent kinetic energy levels at steady state are shown to correlate with measured surface level fluctuations. The effect of processing conditions are consistent with experimental findings. Without argon, the greatest level fluctuations are found near the narrow face, while increased argon moves the maximum towards the center. Fluctuations decrease with deeper submergence and lower casting speed. These transient phenomena are important because they may lead to defects in the final steel product from entrainment of slag, disruption of solidification at the meniscus and non-uniform heat transfer.

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