
Introduction. Globalization has led to a change in the role of cluster cooperation in economic development. The impact of globalization on regional development of cluster cooperation primarily manifests itself in the fact that it gives regional clusters a new status of subjects of the world economic system and world competitive processes. In the context of globalization, there is a deepening gap in the levels of economic development of regional clusters and an increase in the social vulnerability of the population.Research hypothesis: the concept of regional cluster cooperation covers both a variety of qualitative factors and conditions (informal knowledge networks, trust, image), and a quantitative assessment of attributes and processes (for example, interfirm trade, patenting rates, labor supply, cost of resources used). Regional cluster cooperation consists of the interaction of individual subjects of the region, the social, economic, institutional and social attributes of the region itself. This creates the effect of a combination of factors, increases the competitiveness of the region, creates and (or) uses innovations.The purposeof the study is to substantiate a system of criteria for classifying the forms of spatially localized systems of cluster cooperation, to identify the comparative characteristics of cluster policy models.The research methodology is based on the fundamental principles of a number of scientific fields – the theory of national and regional competitiveness, cluster economic theory, the concept of regional archetypes, theories of spatial proximity, the general theory of systems.Results. The features of the clustering of the Ukrainian economy are identified, the main ones are identified: the formation of bottom-up clusters, discrepancies in the interpretation of the concept of cluster policy, the lack of interest of the cluster members in the interaction.Findings. Analysis of cluster policy in the regions of the EU and Ukraine allowed us to distinguish several types of cluster policy depending on various classification criteria. Depending on the stage of cluster development, the features of cluster policy are highlighted and an effective system of cluster cooperation for the Dnipropetrovsk region is proposed.

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