
The urgency of the work is due to the objective dynamics of changes in the level of man-made and natural threats in the exclusion zone and unconditional (compulsory) resettlement, increasing the volume of taskssolved by operational and rescue units of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the need for security people who are, work and live in the Exclusion Zone. Potential threats and dangers in the exclusion zone and unconditional (compulsory) resettlement have been identified. The analysis of statistical data on the involvement of fire and rescue equipment for firefighting. The empirical dependence of the involvement offire and rescue equipment of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine on the elimination of fires in the exclusion zone during the year on their number has been established. It was found that most often 4 to 7 units of fire and rescue equipment of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine are involved in extinguishing fires. Based on the processing of numerical analysis of statistical data, the following conclusions were made: 95% of the time during the year, fire and rescue units are on duty (without calls); 438 hours a year put out single fires; Two hours a year, two fires are extinguished simultaneously. The analysis of calls by service time is carried out. It is established that the service time of calls of fire and rescue units in 25% of cases is up to 2 hours and in 22% of cases is 7-8 hours. An assessment of the locations of fire and rescue units and forest posts with the definition of their service areas. As a result of calculations, it was established that to ensure the normative response to fires at existing facilities in the exclusion zone, it is necessary to provide 4 additional locations of forces and means of fire and rescue units, as well as to ensure the functioning of the fire station on the Vector complex.

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