
• modification and implementation of a DOM-radiation model which combines all required physical submodels to simulate heat radiation to dense beds of particles. • Full time and space resolved simulation of thermal conversion of wet moving bulk in a large-scale rotary kiln reactor. • Analytical validation of model and justification with laboratory-scale experiments. • Efficiency optimization of the numerical solver for industrial-scale and long-time simulations on parallel supercomputers. • Parameter studies for large-scale reactors to investigate conversion rate and product quality. This work presents further development and validation of the Discrete Ordinates Model for thermal radiation implemented in OpenFOAM® for application to packed beds of particles. The radiation model is an important part of a more comprehensive model for simulating the thermochemical conversion of the discrete phase (here for instance wet biomass particles). The comprehensive Eulerian-Lagrangian model is part of a three-dimensional, time-resolved simulation of the essential chemical and physical processes occurring within and in-between particles in a moving bed. For the thermal treatment of solid particles, convective and radiative heat transfer couple the energy exchange between the reactor wall, gas- and disperse phase. The original implementation of the finite volume Discrete Ordinate Model (fvDOM) present in OpenFOAM® is valid for a dilute particulate phase and neglects the effect of local opacity due to the existence of individual particles. In the present application, a dense-packed bed of the particulate phase exists in the reactor and, therefore, this direction-based radiation model is adjusted for a computational cell with arbitrary particle volume fractions. To validate the results with the present thermal radiation model, a simple test case is first presented, where a bed of particles is heated from the top of the computational domain. A second test case relates to an experimentally investigated laboratory-scale reactor. The results of the improved fvDOM are compared to the original implementation in OpenFOAM® and the more simple and computationally cheap P-1 radiation model. In the presence of a packed bed, the P-1 model largely overpredicts the radiative heat transfer while the original fvDOM underpredicts the heat flux by about 15 % for the first test case. The new improved model delivers results within 1% deviation at the expense of maximum of 10 % increase in the computational time. Large-scale parallel simulations of real setups are crucial tools to predict the efficiency of a process and improve the operational parameters. To achieve the pre-defined product quality at minimum cost, an example of the implemented radiation model in thermochemical conversion of wet biomass in a rotary drum is been given and the importance of the radiation heat transport to the bulk is highlighted.

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