
A multi-class, phytoplankton simulation model was developed and calibrated to an extensive set of field data acquired on Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, during 1974. Phytoplankton biomass was partitioned into five functional groups: diatoms, greens, non-N 2-fixing blue-greens, N 2-fixing blue-greens, and “others”. Nutrients included in the model were phosphorus, nitrogen, and silicon. The model was applied to a single spatial segment encompassing the inner portion of Saginaw Bay. Process level analyses were conducted with the calibrated model to determine the relative importance of various factors affecting phytoplankton and nutrient dynamics. The concept of a single limiting factor for phytoplankton growth was found to be overly simplistic. Results indicated that temperature and light were relatively more growth rate limiting than nutrients on an annual average basis. However, as a consequence of nutrient depletion, nutrients became relatively more important at the times of peak phytoplankton crops. Nitrogen was found to be relatively more growth rate limiting than phosphorus to the total phytoplankton crop, although important differences occurred among the individual functional groups. At various times, and for various groups, all three nutrients were important in limiting either the rates of growth and/or the maximum sizes of the phytoplankton crops. Results were consistent with the hypothesis that while nitrogen and silicon were important in phytoplankton-nutrient dynamics, the supply of phosphorus would ultimately determine the size of the blue-green component of the total crop because N 2-fixing blue-greens do not have absolute requirements for dissolved available nitrogen or silicon. Results indicated that phosphorus requirements of spring and fall diatom crops were satisfied primarily by external loadings. Phosphorus requirements of summer blue-green crops were satisfied primarily by recycle processes within the water column. Upon cell death, direct nutrient recycle to the available nutrient compartments in the water column from excess internal phytoplankton stores was found to be important for both phosphorus and nitrogen. Phytoplankton production was found to be extremely sensitive to variations in the light extinction coefficient in the water column, and relatively insensitive to variations in incident solar radiation.

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