
The article is devoted to the complex research processes of heat and mass transfer occurring in the realconditions of solid fuel (coal) combustion. Development of technological processes with economic andecological advantages are the main purpose for many researches in thermal physics and technical physics.The complex processes of heat and mass transfer in the presence of combustion are non-stationary,strongly non-isothermal with a constant change in the physical and chemical state of the environment. Itgreatly complicates their experimental study. In this case, studying of heat and mass transfer in highreactingmedia with simulation of physical and chemical processes occur during combustion of pulverizedcoal is important for the solution of modern power engineering industry and ecology problems. In thisregard, a comprehensive study of heat and mass transfer processes at high-temperature media observed.Investigations based on the achievements of modern physics by using numerical methods for 3Dmodeling. Numerical experiments are conducted to describe and study aerodynamic characteristics, heatand mass transfer processes during the burning of pulverized Kazakhstan low-grade coal. The resultsobtained are of great practical importance, since they allow us to develop recommendations for theimprovement and design of new combustion chambers and burners, and also can be useful in optimizingthe whole process of burning fossil fuels.

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